Caramel Corn
Posted by reeniek (291)
Category: Desserts
Subcategory: popcorn
Recipe Details:
1/2 cup butter
1 cup packed golden brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp light corn syrup
2 tbsp water
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup popcorn kernels (or approximately 5 quarts of popped corn)
Preheat oven at 250 degrees.
Pop popcorn (microwave popcorn is too fragile in this recipe) and place in a large mixing bowl. In a 2-quart saucepan, melt butter over moderate heat. Add brown sugar, salt, corn syrup and water and stir until sugar has dissolved. Bring sauce to a boil for 5 minutes, making sure that it does not boil over. Remove from heat. Add baking soda to the sauce and stir well. Pour sauce over popcorn and toss gently with a wooden spoon until corn is well coated.
Spray a high-rimmed baking sheet (or two sheets) with cooking spray. Spread popcorn onto the sheet and bake for 40 minutes, tossing occasionally. Makes enough to share with 6-8 people.
Note: Great to package up and give as a holiday treat! I have a super large (about the size of a roasting pan) high-rimmed baking sheet that I use - it fits the entire amount of popcorn. If you don't have a large enough one, you may need to use two sheets.
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