Baby Oatmeal w/ Banana & Cinnamon
Posted by reeniek (291)
Category: Brunch
Subcategory: baby
Recipe Details:
For 1 Serving
2-3 tablespoons of quick-cooking oatmeal
4-5 tablespoons of whole milk (a little more milk than oatmeal)
a 2-inch chunk of banana
a sprinkle of cinnamon
Add oatmeal and milk to a small skillet and cook over medium-low heat, stirring ocassionaly, until you reach desired consistency, about 3-5 minutes. While oatmeal is cooking, mash banana in a small bowl. Add oatmeal, a sprinkle of cinnamon, mix with a fork and serve.
Note: My 1 year old daughter loves this!!!!
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